We love these stories! The Carlisle Family recently shared about their adoption on Swell Forever, a company that is dedicated to spreading awareness of children in need of forever families and to providing funds for adoption.
“I am often asked why we wanted to adopt children with special needs. I like to think of it like this…. When one door closes that’s the obvious sign to move on. When one is wide open its like God is hitting you in the head telling you to go for it!
But my favorite doors are those that are cracked open. The ones that many may pass up.
But if you just stop and take a peek, there might be something so great waiting inside. The one that if you didn’t take the time to stop and pray about, you might miss because you are so busy looking for the obvious door that’s wide open. When you stop and pray you discover what beauty could be partially hidden behind it.”
Read the rest of their story here!