Last night in Birmingham, The Adoption Law Firm had the privilege of hanging out with renowned attachment expert, Dr. James Kenny.
Dr. Kenny is a retired psychologist with over 50 years of clinical experience. He has PhD degrees in both Psychology and Anthropology and an MSW in Social Work. The author of 13 books on family and child care, Dr. Kenny is available as a consultant on attachment issues and as a lecturer. His most recent book is Bonding and the Case for Permanence. More personally, he is the father of 12 biological and adopted children, and the foster parent of many more.
Bonding and the Case for Permanence presents scientific data to support what almost every foster parent has experienced: a child’s bond to a primary care giver must be given a high priority in child welfare decisions.
Pictured left to right: Sam McLure, Dr. James Kenny, Rachel Hines, Alison Painter.