The Real Beauty Behind Thomas Rhett’s Adoption
Country singer Thomas Rhett and his wife Lauren recently experienced the day that every adoptive parent dreams of. Their baby girl was finally home. “Willa Gray” Akins has already received more attention on social media in the past three days than most people will in their entire life. Her famous parents have attracted a huge following among young adults who are mesmerized by their love story and have followed closely the Akins’ journey to becoming parents.
But what is it about Thomas and Lauren that set them apart from every other famous couple? I would argue that it’s Jesus.
Lauren and Thomas are self-professed Christians who spend a good bit of time doing missions work overseas with an organization called 147 Million Orphans. It was through a trip with this missions group that they met their daughter in Uganda. After many months of trying to conceive naturally, Lauren began to feel God’s call to adopt Willa from Uganda. She and Thomas were obedient to the calling and began the process of international adoption.
To admire this couple because of their love story is selling them short. To admire them because of their faith in Jesus and obedience to his call, now that’s on the right track. The real beauty behind Thomas and Lauren’s adoption is their obedience to James 1:27, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress.” Their example is one for believers everywhere to follow. Though we may not have musical talent or celebrity status, we are more than able to visit orphans and widows in their affliction.
Article by Haley Horn.
Photo from Thomas Rhett’s Twitter Account.