The month of May has been dedicated to the hard work that foster parents and foster care workers provide in enhancing a child’s life as they are going through troubling times. This past month has been even harder on those involved with the foster care system with Covid-19 impacting all of our lives. They have all stepped up to ensure that these children in need have a loving home, and people that will care for them. These men and women do an incredible job and cannot be thanked enough.
Alabama’s New Family Care Legislature HB117
Foster care can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for many parents. Unfortunately, the foster care system can often be very frustrating. Many times the courts put the reunification of a child with their parents above the child’s best interest. A recent foster care bill, HB 157, passed in Alabama, amended Section, 12-15-319, Code of Alabama, so that the child’s best interest is now, more than ever, a key factor in determining permanency for at-risk children.
Click here to read the full blog of Alabama’s New Family Care Legislature HB117