|| Sam McLure stands for Election, Tomorrow – January 27, 2023 ||
*For immediate release.*
Alabama’s Capitol Bar Association, Montgomery County, Holds Election for Board of Directors.
On Friday, January 27, 2023, the Montgomery County Bar Association is scheduled to hold its Annual Meeting. The meeting is slated to consist of voting on proposed amendments to the Bylaws and candidates for the Board of Directors. The RSA Activity Center has graciously agreed to host the event.
The proposed amendments include updates to membership pricing, protocols, and minor revisions for grammatical consistency. McLure stated that he would, “like to thank the Committee for their revision efforts. I encourage our members to affirm the Committee’s proposed amendments.”
The Association has also presented McLure as a Candidate for Election to the Montgomery County Bar Association’s Board of Directors. The Docket released the following statement regarding McLure’s candidacy:
[McLure] is the Founder and Senior Attorney of The Adoption Law Firm, which zealously advocates to place orphaned children in loving homes. McLure established The Adoption Law Firm upon graduation from Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, after adopting his oldest son from Hungary during law school.As a result of this experience with adoption, and subsequently becoming a foster parent in Montgomery County, McLure was awakened to the need of excellent legal help for vulnerable children, not just in the rest of the world, but in our very own backyards. He has devoted his legal career to the service of vulnerable children, particularly foster children in Alabama. …
McLure moved to Montgomery in 2004 and graduated from Huntington College with a B.A. in Business Administration. He is a cum laude graduate of Thomas Goode Jones School of Law, where he was a member of the Law Review and active with the Christian Legal Society.
Sam, his wife Mary Beth, and their four children live in Montgomery and are members of Eastwood Presbyterian Church.
The Annual Meeting will also honor several attorneys who have served the Montgomery County Bar Association for 50 years. McLure stated that, “I’m really glad our Bar Assoication is highlighting the longevity of their service. I still consider myself a young attorney, and I hope I do for a long time. Having examples of faithful men and women who have preserved in this calling … that somehow reminds me that whatever season of life I’m in and whatever my workflow looks like, perseverance is the main thing.”
For more information on the Silver Class of MCBA, see our Newsletter, here.
**For more information, contact Libby Shepherd at Libby.Shepherd@theadoptionfirm.com.**