In Alabama, there are almost 7,000 children in foster care and more than 700 are waiting to be adopted. Statistics show that foster children who are not placed in permanent homes are less likely to graduate from high school, and are at greater risk for homelessness, jail time and reliance on welfare than those with permanent families.
There are great efforts in Alabama to find permanent placements for this vulnerable population and to provide resources for those families who open up their hearts and homes through adoption. Alabama Pre/Post Adoption Connections (APAC) is a program of Children’s Aid Society in collaboration with the Alabama Department of Human Resources to provide education and support services to strengthen Alabama’s adoptive families, as well as recruit “forever homes” for those foster children waiting to be adopted.
- Information and Referral: APAC will help you find answers to your adoption-related questions. Information & referral services are available to adoptive families, foster families, kinship care families, prospective adoptive families, and professionals serving these families.
- Family Support Groups: APAC offers support groups that meet throughout the state, providing education and social interaction for adoptive families. The groups are led by a therapist, and topics for discussion are chosen based on the group’s interests and needs. Children’s support groups dealing with adoption issues are also available in most areas, as well as childcare.
- Adoptive Family Adjustment/Crisis Counseling: APAC provides statewide counseling and referral services. Adoptive families and families awaiting adoption finalization are eligible, with priority given to DHR families. Services include intake, assessment, and up to 20 treatment sessions for families who have concerns related to their adoptions.
- Resource Library: APAC has the most extensive library of adoption-related resources in the state! Books, DVDs, audio-books, self-study courses and more are available for loan. You can visit one of our three branches in Birmingham, Montgomery or Mobile. If a library visit is not convenient, check out is available by filling out a form on the Internet or calling 866-803-2722.
- Educational Trainings: APAC offers opportunities for families and professionals to increase their knowledge of permanency related subjects. Educational Training services are available to all adoptive families, all foster families, all professionals serving adoptive and foster families, kinship care families, and DHR waiting families.
- Special Events: Special Events are held for the purpose of providing informal networking opportunities for adoptive and foster families, as well as promoting all APAC services to these families and the professionals serving them. These events allow adoptive families to meet one another, share, learn new things…and have a good time!
All APAC services are provided at no cost to families and are available to those who have adopted through foster care or a private agency. Last year, APAC provided approximately 10,000 units of services to more than 1,300 Alabama adoptive families (FY 09/10).
APAC also actively recruits families wanting to adopt. Our recruitment program includes screening support, GPS training, and home study preparation. We also help match families with the children in Alabama who are waiting to be adopted. Families may call 866.4.AL.KIDS for more information.
Children’s Aid Society (CAS) is a leader in child and family welfare issues in Alabama. Its mission is to nurture children by strengthening families. Visit for more information about CAS or the APAC program.
Photo by Feed My Starving Child.
I am looking to adopt in the near future. But I want to adopt a small child in the ages of 9 months and 2-years old. Color do not matter. I would like to know the process that I would have to go through to get a child placed in my home through adoption. I am currently remodeling my home at this moment and should be completed before next year. And are there any grants and programs that I could get help from in this process? Because I hear adoption is expensive , and that is the reason a lot of families don’t consider adoption. Can you inform me of the cost of adoption? Your help will be greatly appreciated… Thank you.