I want to introduce you to the Orphan Care Law Center. The Orphan Care Law Center exists to help orphans like “Kate.” Kate is an eight year old girl who was repeatedly abandoned by her biological mother and has no idea who her biological father is. Kate has been left in four different homes in the past five years and her biological mother is a second generation “abandoner.” After Kate was abandoned to “Lonna” in the summer of last year, Lonna made up her mind that this generational cycle had to stop. The Orphan Care Law Center, in conjunction with The Adoption Law Firm, is helping Lonna navigate the complex U.S. legal system in order to adopt Kate – giving her a permanent home.
Justice for the Orphan
An orphan is a child left without adequate familial provision and protection from evil. Orphans are made through unpreventable calamity and the evil of men’s hearts. Visiting the orphan in their affliction means coming to grips with the evil that threatens them. Predators prowl in ambush, waiting to profit from stealing from the orphan, killing the orphan, and utterly destroying the orphan.
The orphan can be found in the war torn villages of Congo, the AIDS riddled ghettos of Ethiopia, the atheistic orphanages of Ukraine, the sex trade of Cambodia, the fatherless neighborhoods of Alabama, and the billion dollar abortion business of Planned Parenthood.
The Orphan Care Law Center exists to protect the orphan from the evil that steals, kills, and destroys. The Orphan Care Law Center exists to be a voice for the orphan.
Kate is on the path to having a family – a stable family that will protect her and provide for her. Kate is just one orphan in a sea of millions . . . and one at a time, the Orphan Care Law Center exists to help orphans like Kate.
Please consider financially supporting the Orphan Care Law Center in its mission to do be a voice for the orphan.
Orphan Care Law Center – A Voice for the Orphan
Photo by Rolands Lakis.