Together for Adoption Conference 2014
We at The Adoption Law Firm would like to continue to promote great events supporting the work of caring for the fatherless. One such event is coming up October 17th and 18th in Greenville, South Carolina. This event is the Together for Adoption 2014 Nation Conference. Below is a personal invitation from one of the founders of Together for Adoption.
With the recent Ebola crisis in Africa, this year’s conference them will be even more applicable. Read the conference theme below as stated by Together for Adoption:
“The devastating impact of Ebola on families is another reason why I believe this year’s Together for Adoption conference is especially timely. Our conference theme is Urgency & Complexity: Biblical & Ethical Approaches to the Orphan Crisis. When you think about the children who are being orphaned by Ebola, I’m sure you can feel something of the urgency and complexity of this crisis. So, as we unpack our theme next week, we will work hard not to lose sight of these children who are being lost in the headlines of our soundbite world.”
Two other sessions stated on the conference promotional material are:
- Life in Limbo
Limbo offers a glimpse of what foster care feels like through an interactive role play. The participants each decide to be a foster parent, a birth parent or a child about to enter foster care. Tensions are high, brokenness is revealed, and healing occurs.
At our Conference, 20 people will role play the simulation during the lunch hour on Friday. The others will enjoy their lunch and view the experience. These 20 volunteers will also get their lunch…just not right away. They will gain a valuable experience first.
- Advice for White Parents of Black Children
Dr. Toney Parks will share wise advice for White couples parenting African-American children in a post-Ferguson country.
If you are looking for a very special weekend to spur you on in caring for the fatherless, I hope you will consider the Together for Adoption 2014 National Conference.