Controversial topics abound in today’s society. Let’s face it. Controversy is interesting. One such controversial topic is the use of psychotropic medications. Perhaps you may wonder what does the use of psychotropic medicine have to do with caring for the fatherless. The answer is that an unusually high percentage of children in foster care are treated with psychotropic medicine.
One great way to learn more about the use of psychotropic medication in the lives of foster children is to watch the upcoming webinar with expert physician, Brent Wilson. Details are below from the website
Upcoming Webinar:
Navigating Psychotropic Medications: A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide to Sailing through the Storms of Overmedicated Children
Brent Wilson, M.D.
Thursday, October 16 12:00pm -1:00pm
Foster children are an extremely vulnerable group. They experience symptoms of mental illness at rates that far exceed other socioeconomically disadvantaged youth. This is a direct result of the traumatic neglect or abuse that they experience while being cared for by their birth parents. For many reasons, this results in foster children taking psychotropic medications at alarming high rates. Despite the fact that foster children make up less than 5% of the entire population of Medicaid insurance youth, nearly one third of the Medicaid’s behavioral health expenditures are spent on foster children.
During this webinar you will hear from a child psychiatrist who has worked with Alabama’s Department of Human Resources for several years. Dr. Brent Wilson has worked for state agencies and community providers across the nation to help insure that foster children receive appropriate mental health services. During this webinar, Dr. Wilson will focus on the most frequently asked questions from case managers, advocates, judges, and other partners that are involved in over-seeing mental help services of children.
Thursday, October 16, 12:00pm-1:00pm (CST) (Optional Q&A: 1:00-1:15pm)
Click HERE to register for our next webinar, “Navigating Psychotropic Medications”