The waiting period for adopting a domestic newborn can vary from less than one month to over two years. According to Adoptive Families Magazine’s article, How Long Does it Take to Adopt a Child?, 33% of domestic newborn adoptions having waiting periods of less than three months. Less than 10% of families had to wait more than two years to be matched with a child.
Why the large discrepancy?
One reader commented that their openness to any gender and race helped them be matched quickly. If you’re considering a transracial adoption, I encourage you to read our blogs, Pursuing Domestic Transracial Adoption, Part I & Part II.
While a short waiting period seems ideal, there can be benefits to not rushing in too quickly. One reader commented thankfully on their almost two year waiting period:
“We waited almost two years. The agency had an in-depth educational process which broadened our understanding of adoption and open adoption. They had many services available to us while we waited. I can’t imagine not having that support and education.”
I concur with the last reader’s comment. I felt like the agency we adopted through took great pains to help us prepare for the worst-case-scenario … and I just don’t think that can happen in a few weeks.
Photo by kittyxkat.
Going on year 3 in 2017. Longer if you count the time in prayer for guidance. Persistentky praying that we stay in His will regardless if this goes beyond 2017….and He be glorified through this process.
All the best to you and your cause this year.
It do take time, how much exactly will it take, depends upon you case. After completing home study,families who have special need their adoption process can be proceed quickly and be completed within a few months also. But waiting period can be 2-3 years . If you hire professional adoption attorney who has complete knowledge of adoption laws and had good no. of successful adoption cases, then process adopting a newborn baby can be completed within a year also.