We have been waiting for this for quite some time, and are so excited to share with you this special adoption edition of The Alabama Lawyer. The Adoption Edition includes contributions from some of the State’s most passionate and committed orphan-advocate attorneys.
The Adoption Law Firm is proud to present cutting edge articles from two of our most seasoned attorneys, Susan Brown and Sam McLure. These articles come from real world experience, laboring on behalf of orphans, and coming alongside families to help them achieve permanency through adoption.
The Ukrainian Orphan Crisis and Refugee Adoption
By Susan M. Brown
The war between Russia and Ukraine presents a crisis for many children. This article, while written almost entirely before the onset of Russia’s war against Ukraine, may have life-saving application for clients to partner with orphan-care advocates seeking to bring these orphans into stable and safe American homes.
Representing Foster Parents in Adoptions
By Samuel J. McLure
There seems to be a common misperception in our culture that biological parents not only love their children, but love them better, and more fiercely, than non-related family ever could. To borrow from another author, to believe this is always and everywhere true is to stick your head in the sand with a blindfold on.