How much does Adoption cost? Granted, this is not the most basic question about Adoption. It is however, one of the most important. Many couples are philosophically on-board with the idea of caring for the fatherless through adoption, but consider …
C.J. Mahaney on Adoption: Assurance
In my last blog post ("C.J. Mahaney on Adoption: Abba, Father"), I talked about how I had the opportunity recently to listen to a sermon on adoption by CJ Mahaney. It was such a refreshing sermon, I thought I would share with you another point that …
C.J. Mahaney on Adoption: Abba, Father
I had the opportunity recently to listen to a sermon on adoption by CJ Mahaney. I found it in a “junk” drawer with a bunch of other CDs and listened to it on the way to a business meeting in a nearby city. Through this sermon, I was freshly …
How long does Alabama adoption law give a birth mother to change her mind?
This question comes up a lot in domestic adoption. And, in fact, misconceptions about this issue often lead couples to adopt internationally. And, rightfully so – I mean, who would want to have cared for and bonded with a child for years only to …
How long does Alabama adoption law give a birth mother to change her mind?Read More
God’s Heart is for Adoption
I have a crystal ball. My crystal ball will tell you exactly what God’s will is for your life. Are you ready? Here it is. Visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and keep yourself undefiled from the world. That’s how James, described what …